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Why Divers Should Become Nitrox Divers and Why PADI Instructors Should Recommend Nitrox Instruction


Nitrox Course | Scuba Diving Indonesia
Nitrox Course | Scuba Diving Indonesia

Nitrox, or enriched air, is one of the most popular scuba diving specialties in the world. For divers and instructors alike, it offers numerous advantages both underwater and in the classroom. As a diver, becoming a Nitrox-certified diver can enhance longer dives. As a PADI Instructor, offering Nitrox instruction to your students can expand their diving horizons while reinforcing safety protocols. This article explores why divers should become Nitrox divers and why it’s important for PADI instructors to recommend the Nitrox instructor specialty to their students.

What is Nitrox Diving?

Nitrox, also known as enriched air, refers to any gas mixture with a higher percentage of oxygen and a lower percentage of nitrogen than regular air, which typically contains 21% oxygen. This increased oxygen content allows for longer bottom times and shorter surface intervals, which makes Nitrox a favored choice among divers, especially for those exploring deeper or multi-dive days.

Why Should Divers Become Nitrox Divers?

  1. Extended Bottom Time

    One of the primary reasons divers opt for Nitrox certification is to increase their bottom time. When you dive with Nitrox, the reduced nitrogen in your gas mix allows your body to absorb less nitrogen over time compared to diving with normal air. As a result, you can stay longer at depth before reaching your no-decompression limit (NDL). This is particularly useful for divers who enjoy longer dives at moderate depths (18-30 meters), where nitrogen absorption can limit dive duration.

    For instance, a diver using air at 30 meters may only have 20 minutes before hitting their NDL, whereas a diver using a 32% Nitrox mix could stay closer to 30 minutes. That extra time can make a significant difference, especially when exploring wrecks or engaging in underwater photography.

  2. Shorter Surface Intervals

    Nitrox also allows divers to shorten their surface intervals between dives. Because the body absorbs less nitrogen while diving with Nitrox, it requires less time to off-gas during surface intervals. For multi-dive days, such as those on liveaboards or during dive holidays, shorter surface intervals mean you can enjoy more time underwater without increasing your risk of decompression sickness (DCS).

  3. Increased Safety Margin

    While Nitrox extends bottom time and shortens surface intervals, it can also offer an added safety margin when diving conservatively. By diving Nitrox but following air dive tables or computer settings, divers benefit from the reduced nitrogen exposure without necessarily pushing their limits. This conservative approach reduces the risk of nitrogen narcosis and DCS, making Nitrox a great option for divers concerned about safety.

  4. More Energy After Dives

    Many Nitrox divers report feeling less fatigued after dives compared to air diving. While this can be subjective and varies from diver to diver, reduced nitrogen absorption could lead to less post-dive fatigue, especially after multiple dives. For divers who want to feel more energized and refreshed after their dive trips, Nitrox is an excellent choice.

Why Should PADI Instructors Recommend the Nitrox Instructor Specialty?

  1. Increased Opportunities for Your Students

    As a PADI Instructor, your goal is to provide your students with the best possible diving education and experience. Recommending the Nitrox Diver course is a logical step in helping them become more versatile and confident divers. Once certified, Nitrox divers can dive deeper, stay longer, and maximize their time underwater, which enhances their overall diving experience.

    By becoming a Nitrox Instructor, you can offer this highly sought-after specialty course to your students, giving them the skills and knowledge to safely use enriched air and explore a wider range of dive sites. Nitrox is particularly beneficial for students who plan to dive frequently or embark on dive-intensive vacations, as it helps them manage nitrogen loading and enjoy more dives each day.

  2. Expanding Your Own Skillset and Marketability

    As an instructor, offering Nitrox certification can expand your teaching portfolio, making you a more versatile and competitive dive professional. Many dive operators, particularly liveaboards and resorts, cater to Nitrox-certified divers and prefer instructors who can teach the Nitrox Diver course. Having this qualification not only boosts your resume but also allows you to reach a broader market of students.

    Moreover, Nitrox is a prerequisite for many advanced dive certifications, so students who start with the Nitrox Diver course may be more likely to continue their diving education with specialties like Deep Diver, Wreck Diver, or Technical Diving.

  3. Improved Safety Awareness for Students

    Recommending Nitrox instruction to your students is a great way to promote safe diving practices. During the Nitrox course, students learn how to analyze their gas mix, use specialized dive computers, and monitor their oxygen exposure to avoid oxygen toxicity. These lessons reinforce important dive planning and gas management skills that can be applied to all types of diving, not just Nitrox.

    By teaching students to respect oxygen exposure limits and proper gas analysis procedures, you’re cultivating a strong foundation of safety-minded divers who understand the importance of dive planning and preparation. This increased awareness contributes to safer dive communities and more knowledgeable divers.

  4. More Dive Time for Your Students and You

    When your students are Nitrox certified, both you and they can enjoy longer and safer dives during training sessions. This means you can cover more skills without the pressure of a shortened bottom time due to nitrogen exposure. For instructors, this flexibility can be especially beneficial when conducting advanced courses or specialty training that requires extended time at depth, such as Wreck or Deep Diver specialties.

Nitrox at Oceans 5 Gili Air

At Oceans 5 Gili Air, becoming a Nitrox Diver is a quick and convenient process that takes just half a day. The PADI Enriched Air Nitrox course is designed to teach divers the benefits of using enriched air, including extended bottom times and shorter surface intervals. With experienced instructors and top-notch facilities, Oceans 5 ensures that students gain a thorough understanding of Nitrox diving procedures and safety, all while offering the flexibility to fit this valuable certification into a single morning or afternoon. Whether you're looking to extend your underwater adventures or dive more efficiently, Oceans 5 makes becoming Nitrox certified easy and accessible.


Becoming a Nitrox diver offers a wide range of benefits for recreational divers, from extended bottom times to increased safety margins. For PADI Instructors, recommending the Nitrox Instructor specialty to your students is a smart move that expands their diving capabilities while enhancing your teaching portfolio. Nitrox training not only opens new opportunities for divers but also strengthens their understanding of safe diving practices, ensuring they get the most out of every dive while minimizing risks. As a PADI Instructor, offering Nitrox instruction is a logical step toward building a more well-rounded and capable diving community.


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