Last PADI instructor training course in the Gili Islands in 2016

PADI Instructor Training Course

The last PADI instructor training course in the Gili Islands has finished. After a 11-12 day Instructor Development Program (IDC) with PADI Course Director Joeri van Hal at Dive resort Oceans 5 Gili Air, the candidates Chrys and Brad are official PADI dive instructor.

It all started 3 weeks ago with the free PADI IDC preparation at Oceans 5. During the preparation the candidates will brush their diving knowledge and diving skills under supervision of Oceans 5 experienced IDC staff. Normally the days will like in the norming a fun dive around the beautiful Gili Islands and in the afternoon a lecture about one of the dive theory topics or practice skills.

The IDC preparation is an excellent way to get more confident for the upcoming instructor course. But it is a perfect way to know your fellow candidates and make friends for life time. The candidates will get a kind of family feeling within Oceans 5. Not only the PADI Course Directors will help the candidates with the preparation but also a PADI Master Instructor and 4 PADI IDC Staff Instructors. The main advantages of all this staff is that Oceans 5 covers a lot of languages: English, Dutch, German, French and Spanish. Also Oceans 5 has all teaching materials in these languages, so the candidates can choose in which language they like to conduct the PADI IDC.

After the PADI preparation course, the real PADI IDC starts. This is a 11-12 day program. The days are starting at 8.30 with a cup of coffee and will finish around 17.00 with a drink at the bat at Oceans 5. During the days the candidates will be trained to become confident instructors. Oceans 5 is not training the candidates to pass only the PADI Instructor Examination. This is a short term vision and Oceans 5 believes in quality of training.

To be sure that the candidates get the extra value, Oceans 5 introduces free extra workshop during the PADI IDC, like:
1) Controlling student divers in confined open water
2) controlling student divers in open water
3) how to position yourself as a dive instructor and your divemaster during skills
4) making knots
5) how to use a liftbag

7) skill circuit dry
8) how to use a compass
9) how to use the RDP

And after the PADI IDC there is a two days PADI Examination. Chrys and Brad were prepared well and passed the PADI Instructor Examination with very high scores.

PADI 5 star Career Development Center Oceans 5 Gili Air

Oceans 5 is a PADI 5 star Career Development Center located on Gili Air. Gili Air is part of the famous Gili Islands. You can reach them just by fast boat to hours away from Bali. Oceans 5 is awarded in 2014 with the highest raking for PADI Dive Resorts, the Career Development Center tittle. You will get this ranking for the excellent professional behavior, quality and the opportunities to stay in the dive industry.

Oceans 5 has also fantastic world class IDC facilities:

1) two huge IDC training pools
2) a huge IDC class room with AC and coffee corner
3) two PADI course directors
4) excellent and experienced IDC staff
5) coverage of the main languages
6) a bar
7) a restaurant
8) lots of relaxing areas

If you like to know more about the PADI IDCs or the next date of the IDC write us an email at or visit our website or youtube channel.


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